All Classes

Convenience implementation of the Command
Common ancestor of the TabCompleters.
Common interface for animations
Handles particles and per-player block-animations
Command delegator.
Sends (bogus) block-info to the player
An abstraction for supporting nesting of commands.
Comparator for sorting sub-commands
Static singleton manager for controlling common requirements.
Simple visitor for the USBCommands
Command with nested commandMap inside.
TabCompleter that supports multiple tab-completers for different arguments.
An NBTItemStackTagger using reflection for CraftBukkit based servers.
Command that traverses all the commands in a plugin, and generates documentation for them.
Common interface for the DocumentCommand-visitors
Common file-utilities.
Format utility
Conversion to ItemStack from strings.
Builder for ItemStack
Static convenience class for location methods.
Interface for allowing depencency injection for testing (and other platforms than CraftBukkit).
Utility for setting NBTTag data on Bukkit items without NMS (using reflection).
Convenience implementation of a tab-completer for all offline players
Convenience implementation of a tab-completer for all online players
An animation using particles (requires refreshes).
Simple visitor for generating plain-text documentation of an Command-hierarchy.
Common handler across servers for sending particles and other packages to a player.
Generates a yml-file following the syntax define in
Wrapper methods that allow accesss to reflection for backward compatible code.
Utility for handling UUIDs.
Utility methods for versions
A very simplistic yml parser, that only do the following: Keep track of indentation-levels and sections. Handle comments.
A YamlConfiguration that supports comments Note: This includes a VERY SIMPLISTIC Yaml-parser, which sole purpose is to detect and store comments.